CCTV and After Hours Pick Up
CCTV is available to watch during settling in sessions. The CCTV cannot be accessed remotely.
Two members of staff will wait until you arrive. Late payment charges will apply.
Cleaning Procedures
The children wear indoor shoes at the setting. Visitors must remove foot wear before entering the classrooms.
The settings are cleaned daily after hours by our in house team.
Child Sickness & Medication
We will administer prescribed medication to the children. Please note if children are required to have antibiotics we will only administer from day two.
If your child presents as unwell we will ask you to collect them. Dependent on the illness an isolation period may apply - Please see the illness policy.
On registering your child we do request to see their red book, this will confirm their immunisations. Immunisations must be up to date prior to starting at Wetherby House
Sadly not, all meals must be consumed onsite so we can be sure it has be served in line with our food safety guidelines.
Children’s allergies are managed according to their individual needs. We prepare tailored meals for them.
We keep antihistamines for allergic reactions and calpol for children that present high temperatures.
We don’t have spare EpiPen. All medication must be prescribed for the individual child.